Casino Grenoble Opening Hours
SkyCity Auckland Casino is open seven days a week* for non-stop fun and excitement. Wrapped up in one magnificent venue you'll find the world's most popular casino games, fantastic live entertainment and great food and bar offerings.
* Excluding Christmas Day, Good Friday and between 3am - 1pm on Anzac Day.
Gambling online for real Casino Grenoble Opening Hours money is highly popular and great fun because you can play at any time of the day or night, on your pc, tablet Casino Grenoble Opening Hours or mobile. There are always hundreds of slots and many other games available and you don't even need to change out of your pajamas to enjoy them. WELCOME BACK TO THE WONDER. Foxwoods Resort Casino will continue to welcome guests from all New England states. We have put extensive effort and research into our resort safety measures to mitigate public health risks, and we remain confident in our plans. SkyCity Auckland Casino is open seven days a week. for non-stop fun and excitement. Wrapped up in one magnificent venue you'll find the world's most popular casino games, fantastic live entertainment and great food and bar offerings. Excluding Christmas Day, Good Friday and between 3am - 1pm on Anzac Day.
Whatever your game, chances are we're playing it right now at SkyCity Auckland Casino. We have over2,100 Gaming Machines and 150 Table Games at just about every level of excitement.
SkyCity prides itself on being a responsible host. As such, we would encourage you to play only at levels you can afford. Remember - you must be aged 20 years or older to enter the gaming areas at SkyCity Auckland.
What is age restriction?
You must be aged 20 years or older to enter the Gaming areas at SkyCity Auckland.
What is the dress code?
At SkyCity, we are proud to provide you with a world-class environment to enjoy. We require a neat and tidy standard of dress at all times.
The following items are not appropriate:
- Torn or damaged clothing (except fashionably distressed items)
- Dirty clothing or footwear
- Safety or trade clothing (eg safety vests)
- Sleeveless tops on men
- Jandals or flip flops from 9pm to 5am
- Gang patches or insignia
- Hats or caps (except for religious or medical reasons or within the Poker Zone)
- Sunglasses (except within the Poker Zone)
SkyCity reserves the right to refuse entry where patrons are not appropriately dressed.
What form of identification is considered valid?
SkyCity accepts the below as form of identification:
- A current New Zealand or overseas passport
- A current New Zealand or overseas photo driver license
- A current Hospitality Association (HANZ) 18+ card
- Any other current ID with a photo, date of birth, and which is the product of a government institution.
How can I sign up for Premier Rewards?
Signing up to Premier Rewards is free. Provided you are over the age of 20 and not excluded from entering SkyCity's premises you can sign up at the Premier Rewards Station at the Casino.
I have concerns about a friend or family member, how do I stop them visiting?
At SkyCity there are two ways to control your gambling: Self-identified exclusion and Third Party Exclusion. You can either call and speak to our Host Responsibility on 09 363 6000, or if you are at the Casino, please visit the Security desk or speak to one of our security team. More information can be found here.
You must be aged 20 years or older to sign up to Premier Rewards Programme. SkyCity is a responsible host. If you wish to discuss your Gaming, please talk to a SkyCity staff member or call the Gaming Helpline on 0800 654 655. Children under the age of 14 years must not be left alone at SkyCity. For more information please contact the SkyCity Shift Manager on 0800 SKYCITY.
You must be aged 20 years or older to sign up to Premier Rewards Programme. SkyCity is a responsible host. If you wish to discuss your Gaming, please talk to a SkyCity staff member or call the Gaming Helpline on 0800 654 655. Children under the age of 14 years must not be left alone at SkyCity. For more information please contact the SkyCity Shift Manager on 0800 SkyCity.
R20Where to shop, when to shop and other useful tips
Page index: Click a link
Where to shop | Shopping in Paris | Shopping in other French cities | Factory outlet malls | Shopping vocabulary |
Opening times | Pharmacies | Supermarkets & superstores | French Fashion | Paying with cash or cards |
Gifts, fashion, souvenirs, food and wine and more.
However the Euro has fallen in value against the Dollar over the past ten years, and with the exchange rate standing at around 1.12 USD to a Euro in Spring 2019, prices in France are attractive for many international visitors. This is not however so true for visitors from the UK, on account of the fall in the value of Sterling amid worries about the UK's future after Brexit.
Shopping is a major part of the tourist experience in France, specially in Paris, and each year millions of tourists visit France and make a point of heading for the shops at some time during their stay. This page offers general and useful information for tourists intending to do some shopping while on holiday in France.
Prices and sales tax (TVA) :
As is the custom throughout Europe, prices displayed in shops in France always include sales tax ('la TVA' - value added tax). The price you see on the label is the price you will be charged - which can be a pleasant surprise for American or Canadian visitors.However things are changing, and in urban shopping areas, most large shops such as department stores now operate what is called 'la journée continue', and do not close at midday. Out-of-town supermarkets in France also tend to stay open at lunchtime, and depending on the town or district, other shops in large urban or suburban shopping centres also stay open. Many smaller shops have reduced their midday closing period, and now shut from, for example, 12.30 to 1.45 - in order to catch office workers who have free time during their midday break.
Out of town supermarkets and superstores - for instance Carrefour, Leclerc, Auchan, Casino, SuperU - (called 'centre commerciaux') do not usually close for lunch. They generally open from 8.30 a.m. (or earlier) until 8 p.m. (or later); other large stores in out-of-town shopping centres often close a bit earlier in the evening, often at 7 p.m.
For Sunday opening and other exceptions, see below.
Sunday opening
Traditionally speaking, shops do not open in France on Sundays; however the rules have changed in recent years, and now across France you will find supermarkets, DIY and gardening shops open on Sunday morning. In tourist areas the rules are more flexible, and all sorts of shops can now stay open all day. In Paris for instance, the big department stores and shops in the main shopping areas and malls now stay open all day on Sunday, though sometimes with shorter opening hours.
Even more shops are open on Sundays during the Christmas shopping weekends, and Sunday has become one of the busy shopping days
Monday shopping in France:
In small towns, and even in cities, many shops may be closed on Monday morning; some small shops may be closed all day Monday. However it is unusual for out-of-town shopping malls and supermarkets to be closed on Mondays24-hour opening in France:
Don't expect to find this. The idea runs contrary to the French tradition, and there are very few shops indeed that remain open round the clock, except some pharmacies (see below).Bakeries
Bakeries often stay open at the start of the midday break, and close typically from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., though there is no rule, and each bakery is free to decided its own opening times. similarly, many bakeries stay open later in the evening, specially in towns, and if they have bread left to sell. See the guide to French bread.Pharmacies (chemists)
Luminous green sign outside a pharmacy
Chain stores: supermarkets (supermarchés) and superstores (hypermarchés)
The main national chains:
- The giants: Carrefour, Auchan, E.Leclerc, Géant Casino. These stores sell virtually everything useful for everyday living.
- Supermarkets or neighbourhood 'hypers': Super-U, Carrefour Market , Simply , Cora, Casino, Intermarché, Ecomarché
- City-centre supermarkets / department stores: Monoprix , Galeries Lafayette
- Hard Discount: Leader Price, Ed, Aldi, Lidl, Netto
Specialist stores
Main national chains other than food, found in out-of-town shopping malls (this is by no means a complete list):Sportswear: Decathlon, Sport 2000, Intersport
Computer equipment: Boulanger
Furniture, white goods: Darty, But, Conforama, Maisons du Monde
Clothing: Kiabi, la Halle aux Vêtements, Orchestra
DIY : Castorama, Leroy Merlin, Brico Dépot, Monsieur Bricolage, Weldom.
French fashion
The top French fashion houses such as Yves St. Laurent, Chanel or Dior have their own boutiques in Paris (see Champs Elysées) : they also retail through major department stores in Paris and through their boutiques in other main cities and up market resorts like Courchevel or Saint Tropez.For those looking for affordable French fashion stores, for young or old, France has plenty of choice through a range of brands available in main department stores, or through fashion boutique chains present in most city centres and many out-or-town shopping malls; these include Alain Manoukian, Jules, Mexx, Naf-naf, Kookaï, Pimkie, Brice, Petit Bateau, and plenty more.
Factory outlet malls in France
France has a couple of dozen factory outlet malls, mostly in northern France. Of particular interest to holidaymakers from the UK or Benelux are the Usine Côte d'Opale factory outlet centre at Coquelles next to the Channel tunnel exit, two factory outlet centres at Troyes, near the A26 motorway from Calais to the south of France (fashion, household appliances), or the La Seguiniere Factory Outlet at Cholet, in the Loire Valley close to Vendée. For more details and addresses, visit MarquesAvenue.comWhere to shop in Paris:
Central Paris:Rue de Rivoli (running from the Place de la Concorde, past the Louvre, to central Paris) and the central end of Rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré, one block to the north. This the area with the most chic shops in Paris.
The Champs Elysées: These days most of the shops on the Champs Elysées are flagship outlets for large international chains, from Hugo Boss to Disney to Zara, and the inevitable McDonalds - plus a few very chic shops, but beware of the prices. With the a few exceptions such as Lacoste, Sephora, Cartier and Louis Vuitton, French stores have been pushed out; the major French fashion stores and perfume houses however are not far away, many of them on Avenue Montaigne (Dior, Chanel etc.). Avenue Montaigne meets the Champs Elysées at the level of Franklin D Roosevelt metro station.
On or near the
Casino Grenoble Opening Hours Christmas Eve
Boulevard Haussmann, near the Opéra. This is the main boulevard for the big department stores, including Galeries Lafayette, Printemps, la Samaritaine, C & A.Left Bank (Boulevard St. Michel): book stores, including Gilbert, the biggest in Paris.
Les Halles / le Marais and the lower end of the Rue de Rivoli; fashionable French and international chainstores, and trendy outlets. The 'Forum des Halles', a large urban shopping mall, has outlets for virtually all the off-the-peg fashion retailers present in France, both French such as Kookaï, Camaïeu, Comtoir des Cotonniers, Naf-Naf, Esprit or Jules, and international including Benetton, Gap and Quiksilver.
Shopping in other French towns and cities.
Provincial towns and cities: town centres remain among the principal shopping areas, with the more select boutiques and shops, including up-market and mid-market national chains and franchises. Out-of-town shopping malls offer the big hypers, as well as a range of small shops, mostly mid-market popular chains, in all fields from clothing, footwear and music, to opticians and accessories. Many out of town hypermarkets are open until 9 p.m.Calais, Cité Europe shopping centre: the Carrefour and Tesco outlets in this large shopping centre next to the Channel tunnel terminal have long opening hours, 8.30 a.m to 9 p.m. or 10 p.m.
Grasse, Alpes Maritimes, Provence. Capital of the French perfume industry. Buy top quality perfumes direct from the producers.
Shopping in rural France.
While supermarkets and hypermarkets are the main retail outlets for everyday shopping throughout France, small traditional groceries, even completely independent mom-and-pop stores, still survive in old towns and particularly in small country towns. It is still possible, here and there, to come across a traditional grocers shop, a relic of byegone days, where the proprietor serves you from a range of essential supplies stacked up on old wooden shelves or small refrigerated units. For some it can be a completely novel experience, for others a trip down memory lane; and for most visitors, it will certainly be journey through time and a memorable moment .
Paying for things in France :
Paying with plastic: virtually all but the very smallest shops, such as neighbourhood convenience stores, accept credit cards and debit cards, notably Visa and Mastercard. In virtually all cases, foreign cards, including UK cards, are accepted in France as long as they are of the more modern chip and pin variety; old-fashioned swipe cards may not be accepted. Contactless cards can be used for small purchases, generally limited to 20€ or 30€.Other means of payment
Casino Grenoble Opening Hours Trading
Large department stores in cities may take travellers' cheques, otherwise most shops accept French cheques as long as the customer has ID. All shops accept cash (euros) - which can be obtained from any French ATM as long as you have a valid card from one of the main international operators (Visa, Mastercard, Cirrus, etc.)
Markets: See the markets of France page.
Essential shopping vocabulary:
Here are the French words for common types of shop:Grocery store: épicerie (eh-pee-siree)
Bakers: boulangerie (boo-lonje-euree)
Cake shop: patisserie (pat-ee-seurie)
Butchers: boucherie (boo-sheuree)
Chemists: pharmacie (farm-assee)
Cobblers, shoe repairer: cordonnerie (cordonn-eurie)
Tobacconists: un tabac (ta-back)
Bookshop : librairie (lee-brair-ree)
DIY store: magasin de bricolage (mag-a-zann de bree-co-large)
Clothes shop: magasin de vêtements (mag-a-zann de vet-mon)
Wine merchants: marchand de vins (mar-shone de van)
Estate agents: agence immobilière (a-zhonse ee-mo-bee-leeair)
Newsagents: maison de la presse (may-zon de la press)
And some useful shopping phrases .....
I'd like to... Je voudrais (Zhe voodray ... )

Pay by card : payer par carte (peh-yeh par cart)
Pay in cash: payer en liquide (peh-yeh on lee-keed)
Can I try this on please... Est-ce que je peux l'essayer, s'il vous plait. (Esker zhe per l'ess-say-yeh see voo play)
It's too big / small : C'est trop grand / petit (Say tro gron / petee)
It's for a gift : C'est à offrir (Say tar off rir)
Please can you wrap it up : pouvez vous l'emballer s'il vous plaît (poovay voo l'om-balay see voo play)