Craps Hedging Strategy

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Strategy #9 Hedge Hog System – Good for a cold to choppy table Basic Gist: Bet the Don’t Pass Line with odds AND 2 place bets. Maximum Loss – about $22, you won’t lose much with this method. This is a variation of a Don't Pass 'HEDGE' system You start with a $10 don't pass bet. The 24 times on average that a point number rolls is a loser for the Any Craps bet. So the Pass Line win is now reduced by $24. Still, by the end of the betting sequence, and in the long run, the hedger is guaranteed a win on the Pass Line come-out rolls of $16.

You’ve probably seen or heard about one of the variations of this strategy at the casino or read about it or even watched a video online. It’s gained popularity over the last several years and everyone has been coming up with their own twist or version of it.

This strategy combines a $75 Don’t Pass bet with with various options of either Come or Place bets to create a hedged version of a ‘right-side’ strategy.

It should give you caution when new versions of a particular strategy are continuously being published, but there are many experienced craps players that swear by this strategy along with their own twist and options.

This $75 Don’t Pass with Options Combo Strategy should be used on choppy tables when you’re not seeing a lot of repeat numbers. It does not work well on hot tables or repeating number trends, and there are more lucrative ways to play a cold table.

We’ll take a look at the basic structure of this strategy as well as some of the variations that go along with it. Who knows, you may come up with your own variation that we’ll cover in a future post.

Basic Structure Of The Strategy on a $10 table

When the dice are sent to a new shooter..

  • Place $75 on the Don’t Pass Line
  • Hedge the bet with a $5 bet on the 11
    • On the come out, your $75 don’t pass will win on a (2) or (3) and lose if a (7) or (11) is rolled – That’s 3 ways to win and 8 ways to lose
    • By hedging with $5 on the (11) (pays 15-1), you eliminate 2 ways of losing
    • Some hedge the (7) instead with a $10 bet. While the (7) would remove 6 ways of losing it’s doesn’t recover your entire $75 bet

Once your ‘Don’t’ point is established

  • Place bet each of the non-point numbers with a minimum bet
    • ie. If the ‘Don’t Pass’ point is (9), Place bet $10 on the (4), (5) and (10) and $12 on the (6) & (8)

At this point, if the shooter immediately 7s-Out, you win your $75 Don’t Pass, lost your $5 yo bet on the Come Out, and lost your $54 in place bets for a net win of $21. Assuming the shooter doesn’t immediately 7-Out, collect your place bet winnings, and..

  • Let the place bets ride until the shooter throws a 7

If the shooter throws a bunch of your place bets and 7s-Out before hitting the point, this strategy can be very lucrative and will feel like an ATM constantly spitting out cash your way throughout the roll.

On the other hand, if the rolls don’t go your way, losses can add up pretty quickly.

That’s what led to the birth of a number of different options in how to play this strategy. We’ll cover a few of them because there’s really no way to cover all of the options out there. Maybe you’ll come up with the version that becomes the standard!

Options / Variations

On the Come-Out Roll (we covered this earlier)

  • Hedge your $75 Don’t Pass bet with a $5 (11) yo bet, or
  • Hedge with $10 on the (7)

Once the Point is established

  • If the point is (4), (6), (8) or (10), decide whether to hedge your Don’t Pass bet with a $5 Hardways bet on the same number
    • Keep in mind, every time you hedge your bet, you’re reducing your net win potential

Instead of Place Betting all non-point numbers

  • Place bet only the inside numbers (5), (6), (8) and (9), or
  • Place bet only the outside numbers (4), (5), (9) and (10), or
  • Place bet all or some numbers and place a $10 Come bet on every bet and
    • Take the Place Bet down and leave the Come Bet with No Odds, or
    • Use the Place Bet winnings to add Odds to your Come Bets, or
  • Don’t use Place Bets, instead, place a $10 Come Bet on every roll
    • Add Odds to your Come Bet when they travels, or
    • Don’t add Odds to your Come Bets when they travel, or
    • Only add Odds after a predetermined number of hits

No, we’re not done yet… There’s more variations to consider…

When do you take some or all of your bets down

  • Leave your place bets up until the shooter 7s-Out, or
  • Take them down after a predetermined number of hits, or
  • Instead of taking down your place bets, take down your $75 Don’t Pass bet after a predetermined number of hits, or
  • If you were using Come Bets, decide when to stop reloading it, or
  • Keep loading the Come Bets, but stop adding Odds, or
  • Keep loading Come Bets and Odds and take down your Don’t Pass bet

Is that enough?? Not quite!

What do you do if the shooter hits his point and you lose your $75 Don’t Pass bet?

  • Place another $75 Don’t Pass with a hedge, or with no hedge, or
  • Don’t place another $75 Don’t Pass and let the other bets ride, or
  • Take all bets down and wait for the next shooter

Confused? Don’t be. The basic structure is the same through all of the different versions out there.

Here’s the recommendation…

This strategy DOES work pretty well on choppy tables without a lot of repeating numbers. We’ve all seen it… Point 9, then 10, 5, 8, 3, 7. Seems like it’s happening all the time and no one is hitting their point.

Keep it simple and start with the following

  • Don’t Pass for $75, hedge with a $5 (11) yo bet
  • Come bet on every roll, no odds
  • Add odds from winnings only
  • If the point is hit and you lose your $75, take all bets down and wait for the next shooter
Craps hedging strategy examples

As you get comfortable with what works and what doesn’t, you can add more complexity or variations to the strategy.

Again, always check that your bankroll can support your strategy and experiment with your strategy before placing real money on the tables.

If anyone has another version that has worked for them, please share it in the comments below.


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Craps Hedging Strategy



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In the meantime…

Craps Hedging Strategy Strategies