Time Slot Em Portugues

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The slot is then the time that is allocated to the particular user, and the GSM burst is the transmission that is made in this time. Each GSM slot, and hence each GSM burst lasts for 0.577 mS (15/26 mS). Time slot (time slots plural ) A television or radio programme's time slot is the time when it is broadcast. N-count 90 per cent of listeners had stayed with the programme when it changed its time slot.

We use:

  • at for a PRECISE TIME
  • on for DAYS and DATES
at 3 o'clockin Mayon Sunday
at 10.30amin summeron Tuesdays
at noonin the summeron 6 March
at dinnertimein 1990on 25 Dec. 2010
at bedtimein the 1990son Christmas Day
at sunrisein the next centuryon Independence Day
at sunsetin the Ice Ageon my birthday
at the momentin the past/futureon New Year's Eve

Look at these examples:

  • I have a meeting at 9am.
  • The shop closes at midnight.
  • Jane went home at lunchtime.
  • In England, it often snows in December.
  • Do you think we will go to Jupiter in the future?
  • There should be a lot of progress in the next century.
  • Do you work on Mondays?
  • Her birthday is on 20 November.
  • Where will you be on New Year's Day?

Time Slot Em Portugues Em

Notice the use of the preposition of time at in the following standard expressions:

at nightThe stars shine at night.
at the weekend*I don't usually work at the weekend.
at Christmas*/EasterI stay with my family at Christmas.
at the same timeWe finished the test at the same time.
at presentHe's not home at present. Try later.

*Note that in some varieties of English people say 'on the weekend' and 'on Christmas'.

Time Slot Em Portugues De

Time Slot Em Portugues

Notice the use of the prepositions of time in and on in these common expressions:

in the morningon Tuesday morning
in the morningson Saturday mornings
in the afternoon(s)on Sunday afternoon(s)
in the evening(s)on Monday evening(s)

When we say last, next, every, this we do not also use at, in, on.

  • I went to London last June. (notin last June)
  • He's coming back next Tuesday. (noton next Tuesday)
  • I go home every Easter. (notat every Easter)
  • We'll call you this evening. (notin this evening)

Time Slot Em Portugues 2

For a full list of prepositions plus examples and quizzes, you may like this PDF ebook, English Prepositions List by EnglishClub founder Josef Essberger.
  • 94 one-word prepositions and 56 complex prepositions
  • 400 example sentences
  • 200 quiz questions, with answers
  • illustrated
  • immediate download to your computer
  • read on your computer or print out on paper
  • runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android
Book an Appointment with Yale University Payne Whitney Gym: Welcome to the reservation system for Payne Whitney Gym.
Please read these instructions before booking a reservation, as some policies have changed.
Reservations are for “In-Residence” Undergraduate, Graduate and Professional Students ONLY.
You may only reserve one time slot per day. Duplicate reservations will be removed.
No 'walk ups' or same day reservations allowed.
Workouts will be limited to 45 minutes. Cardio and swimming only.
All Locker rooms are closed.
You may bring one bag, no larger than a backpack, to your workout session.
Bags must be stored in cubbies. No storage of coats or bags permitted outside of cubbies.
Cubbies must be sanitized using a pre-saturated wipe before and after storing belongings.
Do not use adjacent cubbies. Leave at least two empty spaces in all directions.
PWG is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
To reserve a time slot, click 'Book an Appointment'
Select which facility you would like to book.
Click on the day and time you would like to book.
Enter required information and click 'book appointment'
When you arrive at the gym, wait in designated waiting area and have your proof of reservation and Yale ID ready to check in with staff.
Do not arrive at the gym more than 15 minutes before your reservation time.
By booking a reservation, you are agreeing to our terms and conditions:
You will NOT come to the gym if you are experiencing shortness of breath, coughing, fever, fatigue, muscle/body aches, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19.
You agree to wear a mask at all times (except in the water) while using the gym.
You agree to abide by all rules of the facility, and thoroughly clean all equipment before and after use.
Failure to show up for your reserved time-slot will result in loss of reservation privileges.
Reservations are first-come first-serve.
Reserving a time slot does not guarantee the use of a specific exercise machine.
Failure to comply with these guidelines will result in your immediate removal from the facility and possible revocation of future usage privileges.